Search This Heart: A Voter's Prayer
Search This Heart: A Voter's Prayer
by: RJ Marmol
As we look back on our troubled past and look ahead to the future laid before us, I, along with 50 million voters, come before You Lord and pray that You search this heart. Of feelings of doubt, cynicism and pessimism -- search this heart. Of feelings of distrust, dissent and hostility -- search this heart. As we cast our votes -- the only one we have -- plant a seed of hope and confidence, That after doing all that is humanly possible to reclaim our pride and banish our tainted reputation Through honest, peaceful and credible elections -- Help us rest in the comfort that you will not forsake us. Search this heart, oh Lord, and cast away ill-feelings for all candidates and their supporters. Search this heart and remove regrets over yesterday's mistakes, misjudgements and misdeeds that held us from believing that change is ever possible in this country. Search this heart and show us the path -- not of least resistance, but of least faults. We may have heard all that we can from our candidates. We have debated day and night, for and against them. They have campaigned, we have listened. But there is one vote -- one voice, one debate -- one campaign that we are yet to listen to -- Yours. So today, as we anticipate the day we have been waiting for in six years, We pray that You open our hearts and search it. Speak to us. We are ready to listen. You have said that all authority comes from You.
In Paul's epistle to the Romans 13:1-7
1 Everyone is to obey the governing authorities, because there is no authority except from God and so whatever authorities exist have been appointed by God. 2 So anyone who disobeys an authority is rebelling against God's ordinance; and rebels must expect to receive the condemnation they deserve. 3 Magistrates bring fear not to those who do good, but to those who do evil. So if you want to live with no fear of authority, live honestly and you will have its approval; 4 it is there to serve God for you and for your good. But if you do wrong, then you may well be afraid; because it is not for nothing that the symbol of authority is the sword: it is there to serve God, too, as his avenger, to bring retribution to wrongdoers. 5 You must be obedient, therefore, not only because of this retribution, but also for conscience's sake. 6 And this is why you should pay taxes, too, because the authorities are all serving God as his agents, even while they are busily occupied with that particular task. 7 Pay to each one what is due to each: taxes to the one to whom tax is due, tolls to the one to whom tolls are due, respect to the one to whom respect is due, honour to the one to whom honour is due.
Direct our hearts and minds to the right choice, and give us the strength and conviction to vote according to our conscience -- According to Your will. Keep us in your loving embrace and guidance. Help us realize that our vote is as sacred as our love for this country -- That which You have blessed abundantly, and whose people You loved immensely -- That You sent Your Only Begotten Son to die for. Search this voter's heart, oh Lord -- For Your prodigal son of a nation has returned -- remorseful and with an open contrite heart -- Not to ask for a feast, but for a genuine lasting peace -- on election day, and everyday.
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